
Monday, May 04, 2020

Senior Solo Musicians in Concert Broadcast

Senior instrumentalists who won concerto competitions last November, and were to be featured in live performances with the D99 Symphonic Orchestra, will present their "Senior Solos" in a Live-Stream Broadcast, May 5th  at 1:00 PM. The program will feature Rebecca Edmundson, Kristen Karam, Therese Malinowski, Braden Moore, Catherine Ramsey and Emily Wooton. 

Student musicians/families in the D99 Orchestra have been sent Zoom credentials via email to tune-in as audience members. The broadcasts will also be streamed live on the DGN Fine Arts Department YouTube Channel

Congratulations to these outstanding senior musicians on their solo accomplishments! 

Fine Arts @ DGN Mission

North High School endeavors to provide an enriching, vibrant, multidisciplinary environment for the study, creation, and presentation of the Fine Arts.