
Monday, July 30, 2018

Band Leaders Practice Teamwork Skills in Preparation for 2018 Marching Band Season

30 members of the Trojan Marching Band, comprising the Student Leadership Team, spent the day at the Lincoln-Marsh High Ropes and Teams Course in Wheaton, IL. Congratulations to this group of Section Captains and Drum Majors for their commitment and dedication.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Reserve Your Stadium Seat for DGN Trojan Marching Band Performances!

Want to guarantee a seat in the stands this season? Reserved seats may be purchased online. Orders are due on Friday, July 27!

Friday, July 06, 2018

DGN Students Invited to Summer Theatre Workshop! #WeAreDGN #99Learns

DGN's annual Summer Theatre Workshop will be held on Tuesday, August 14, from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM in North High's Clarence Johnson Auditorium. We are excited to welcome back all of our outstanding theatre students, and to welcome our incoming freshman!

At the workshop we will eat snacks, play games, tour the space, get reacquainted with old friends, make new friends, and find out the titles of our productions this season. (And, THEY ARE GOOD!!) 

Students who attend, and register prior to Monday, July 30, will receive a brand new DGN Theatre T-Shirt for the 2018-19 school year. And it's FREE!

CLICK HERE to register for the workshop, and your FREE DGN Theatre T-Shirt! (You must register no later than July 30 to receive the free t-shirt.)

We look forward to another awesome season of DGN Theatre, and hope to see you on August 14!

Wednesday, July 04, 2018

D99 Marching Band Leads Downers Grove Independence Day Parade Celebration #99Learns

Congratulations to the student musicians and staff of the District 99 Marching Band for a wonderful performance in today's Downers Grove Independence Day Parade!


Fine Arts @ DGN Mission

North High School endeavors to provide an enriching, vibrant, multidisciplinary environment for the study, creation, and presentation of the Fine Arts.