
Thursday, May 09, 2019

DGN Fine Arts Students Garner Community Scholarships, Awards and Recognition

Thank you to the Downers Grove Music Club, the Downers Grove Rotary, the Grove Players, and the DGN Friends of Fine Arts for their organization's support of the Fine Arts through awards and scholarships!

DGMC Rising Stars Award - Miles Teague (L) and Emilija Irvin (R)

DGMC College Music Scholarship - Lucie Boyd (L) and Amelia Korbitz (R)

DG Rotary Charles Dickerman Music Scholarship - Andrew Jackson (L) and Amelia Korbitz (R)

Grove Players Lamb Budach Award - Jacob Trnka

DGN Friends of Fine Arts Senior Scholarship - Jozie Arenz (L) and Lucie Boyd (R)

Fine Arts @ DGN Mission

North High School endeavors to provide an enriching, vibrant, multidisciplinary environment for the study, creation, and presentation of the Fine Arts.