Monday, March 06, 2017

“Spring Is In The Air” - 2017 Flower & Plant Sale Kick Off

"I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers." - Claude Monet

The 2017 DGN Fine Arts Boosters Flower & Plant Sale kicks off on Wednesday, March 8th with classroom presentations to the Band, Choir and Orchestra students.  Visual Arts students will receive information packets via email.  Order forms and additional information about this fundraiser are available by accessing the DGN Fine Arts Booster Blog or by clicking on the following link directly:

Students will receive 25% of individual total sales deposited into their student accounts.  The funds may be used to offset music / visual arts expenses.

Orders are due by Wednesday, April 5th.  Checks are payable to DGN Fine Arts Boosters (no cash please).  

Pick-up day is Saturday, May 6th, the weekend before Mother’s Day.  We need many volunteers to assist with the sorting and distribution of the flowers on May 6thPlease sign up on the forms posted outside of the Fine Arts office or on