Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Trojan Band Featured Nationally on CBS

Congratulations to the students of the Trojan Marching Band for their excellent work this morning as a part of the CBS-2 Morning Show.
What was seen on TV was only a small portion of the great work that took place on the field.  CBS was thrilled with your music and the decorum you demonstrated. They were amazed at how quickly and cohesively our band responded to last-second requests to form the CBS logo on field.  Vince Gerasole, the field reporter, was effusive in his praise of every aspect of your interactions with the network this morning. 
An unexpected honor today was the fact that CBS producers in New York, following the Twitter feed of CBS-2 Chicago, decided to tap into Chicago's feed, and broadcast our "CBS Eye" logo nationally.  We've been receiving congratulations messages from people all over the United States today. 

Congratulations, again, to all of our students and Band families on a job well done. We all have great reason to feel proud of our DGN and District 99 community today!