Tuesday, November 26, 2013

IMEC Preparation with Stacy Williams-Jackson

Last spring the DGN Jazz Ensemble was honored with an invitation to perform this coming January (2014) at the Illinois Music Education Conference in Peoria.  Students continue their work in preparing music for that important performance, and tonight the band welcomed Lincoln-Way Central High School Music Department Chairperson, Orchestra and Jazz Director Stacy Williams-Jackson, as guest jazz mentor.  Ms. Williams-Jackson is the fourth of seven guest conductors who have agreed to serve as mentors to the band leading up to the January 23rd performance.  

Heading into the Thanksgiving holiday, it is not a stretch to say that the members of the band were very "thankful" for the opportunity to learn from Ms. Williams-Jackson, and to hear her input and suggestions for future musical growth and improvement.  Thank you, Ms. Williams-Jackson, for being with us at DGN!