Saturday, November 16, 2013

Congratulations On A Great Season

Congratulations and Thank You to the Trojan Band who gave their all this afternoon in all facets of their performance at the Elite 8 Playoff matchup against Mt. Carmel High School.  Despite the rain, wind, and missing several fellow band members to the ILMEA Jazz Festival and DGN Snowball events, the band represented our school in their typical first-class fashion by playing and cheering with energy and enthusiasm.

A big thank you also to Mt. Carmel Band Director Bob Keeley.  It was an honor to have him conduct the Trojan Band during Pre-Game and to have the Mt. Carmel band at the game.

Finally, Congratulations to our Trojan Football Team for an exciting football season.  Thank you, as always, for your support of the band.  We look forward to another exciting and successful season next year.  (But first we're going to dry off a bit!)