Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Band Leaders Set Goals - Take Leap of Faith!

The 31 members of the 2013-14 DGN Trojan Marching Band Leadership Team worked at the Lincoln-Marsh Teams Ropes Course on Monday, developing team-work skills, setting personal goals for the academic year, and working to step out of their 'comfort zones'.  

In the most challenging activity ever attempted by our band's leaders, students and faculty were encouraged to climb the Power Pole.  Once at the top, our leaders publicly proclaimed their goal for the year, took a 'leap of faith' off the pole, and were brought gently back to the ground by their teammates.  It was an exhilarating and motivating experience.  

If the energy, enthusiasm and dedication to 'team' - demonstrated today - is any indication of what is in store for the Trojan Marching Band this year, it is going to be a fabulous season, indeed!

Thank you to the the terrific facilitators at Lincoln-Marsh for their great work with our band leaders.