Wednesday, May 22, 2013

D99 Senior Celebration Orchestra Concert

Kudos and congratulations to the student musicians in the District 99 Orchestra and their conductor, Jennifer Mullen, for presenting an outstanding Senior Celebration Concert this evening.  In addition to excellent performances by the Concert Orchestra and Symphonic Orchestra that featured works by Glinka, Beethoven and Ginastera, other highlights included student soloists, a harp duet, a string quartet, and a tremendous senior solo by cellist Sean Hux.

A special tribute at the end of the concert featured all current orchestra members and numerous alumni performing The Final Countdown in tribute to the orchestra class of 2013.  This piece was conducted by District 99 Orchestra director emeritus John Svoboda.  Mr. Svoboda founded the orchestra programs in District 99 and District 58 thirty six years ago.  Mr. Svoboda's grandson is currently a senior bassist in the D99 Orchestra.  A former student of Mr. Svoboda read a stunning tribute to his work that elegantly connected students and the community forged in the music making process as a commonality across time.  The patrons in attendance responded with an authentic standing ovation after the concluding number, acknowledging the work of the student musicians, the senior class,  and the tribute to the founding patriarch of string education in Downers Grove.