Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Dr. Erica J. Neidlinger on Campus

North High is pleased to welcome Dr. Erica J. Neidlinger to campus for the first day of a two day residency. Dr. Neidlinger is working with 220 students in the DGN Bands in anticipation of tomorrow night's Band Concert (7 pm).

Dr. Erica J. Neidlinger joined the faculty at DePaul University in the fall of 2007 as conductor of the Wind Symphony. Additional responsibilities include teaching conducting Dr. Erica J. Neidlingerand instrumental music education courses. Before coming to DePaul, Dr. Neidlinger served as Assistant Director of Bands at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, where she conducted university ensembles and directed the Marching Mavericks. She completed her doctorate at the University of Minnesota under the supervision of Professor Craig Kirchhoff.

Prior to her doctoral studies, Neidlinger was a member of the band and music education faculty at The Ohio State University. She has also served as conductor of the Nebraska Wind Symphony. Under her direction the ensemble was selected to perform for the 2005 Association of Concert Bands National Convention and the 2007 Nebraska State Bandmasters Conference. Neidlinger holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Kansas and a master’s degree from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. She began her teaching career as director of bands in the Piper School District, Kansas City, Kansas.

An active guest conductor and clinician, Dr. Neidlinger has conducted across the United States and in Europe. She has visited Singapore several times as an adjudicator and clinician and has been invited to Canada in 2010. Presentations at national and international conferences include the 2007 World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles International Conference in Killarney, Ireland and the 2007 Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic. She is a recipient of the Kappa Kappa Psi Silver Baton Award and has been included in several editions of Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers. She has served as concert band chair to the Nebraska State Bandmasters Association and is a member of Music Educators National Conference, College Music Society, College Band Directors National Association, National Band Association, Phi Beta Mu, and World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles.