Sunday, February 24, 2013

Choral Collaboration an Artistic Success

Congratulations to the students of the North High A Cappella
Choir, the South High Madrigal Singers, the District 99 Orchestra, and all of
the musicians of the Downers Grove Choral Society, for a wonderful “Choral
Collaboration” this afternoon on District 99’s North campus.  Each ensemble performed with great artistic
sensitivity and attention to musical detail.

Our appreciation is extended to District 99 Fine Arts team
members Pattie Barnes (Collaborative Pianist), Laura Coster (DGS Madrigals conductor),
Bill Miller (DGN Auditorium Manager), Jennifer Mullen (D99 Orchestra
conductor), Beth O’Riordan (DGN A Cappella Choir conductor), and Frank Piekarz
(DGN A Cappella Choir conductor), all who played a role in preparing students
for this afternoon’s Choral Collaboration. 
We also thank the North High Music Boosters and the South High Friends
of Fine Arts for providing refreshments for the reception. 

Special congratulations is extended to North High Fine Arts
faculty member Beth O’Riordan for her solo work in the Benedictus of Franz Joseph Haydn’s Missa Brevis St. Joannis de Deo.

And finally, District 99 thanks DGCS Music Director, Mr.
Justin Sisul, for his vision to create this afternoon’s collaborative artistic