Thursday, January 31, 2013

Visual Artists Garner Multiple Awards at Scholastics

The Fine Arts Department at Downers Grove North High School is proud to release the results of the judging from the 2013 Scholastic Art Awards held at Downers Grove North High School and hosted by the Community High School District 99 Fine Arts Departments.  1,058 student artists from 30 area schools submitted 2,973 works of art for adjudication. North High artists won 91 awards, including 28 Gold Key Awards, 24 Silver Key Awards, and 37 Honorable Mention Awards.

The five most outstanding works of art, as designated by the professional adjudicators, were named “American Vision” nominees.  Of the five works selected, two were by Downers Grove North High School visual art students.  Senior Kevin Brinkman’s Digital Art entry – “Why Now?” – and senior Amanda Papp’s Ceramic & Glass entry – “Stoney Teapot” – were both awarded the prestigious American Vision designation. 

“We are very excited to host the regional exhibition at North High,” said Brayer Teague, Fine Arts Department Chairman. “This show is always an amazing display of student creativity and a testament to the wonderful art teaching that is happening in District 99.”  According to Teague, the art teachers from both North and South High School play an important role in putting the exhibition together.  “Our District 99 art teachers are the engine behind this regional affiliate of the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards.  Their dedication and tireless commitment enables student artists from all over the suburban region to have their work evaluated by professional artists.”

Community High School District 99 will host the Scholastic Art Show Regional Exhibition from February 10-15, at the North High School campus Main Street Lobby (4436 Main Street, Downers Grove, IL 60515).  The public is cordially invited to attend the Exhibition Opening and Artist Reception on Sunday, February 10, from 1:00 - 4:00 PM. 

'Why Now?' - Kevin Brinkman

'Stoney Teapot' - Amanda Papp

American Vision Award Nominees (Best of Show)
Kevin Brinkman (Art Portfolio – Digital Art)
Amanda Papp (Ceramics & Glass)

Gold Key Awards
Erin Bellie (Jewelry)
Kevin Brinkman (Art Portfolio – Drawing & Painting)
Kevin Brinkman (Art Portfolio – Digital Art)
Kevin Brinkman (Painting) – 2 Gold Keys
Kevin Brinkman (Digital Art) – 4 Gold Keys
Emma Brzezinski (Ceramics & Glass)
Kelly Egan (Art Portfolio – Photography)
Nathan Eisenhut (Digital Art) – 2 Gold Keys
Nathan Eisenhut (Drawing)
Sam Fiala (Ceramics & Glass)
Tyler Kral (Photography)
Julija Lukosevicius (Photography)
Jack McGrath (Art Portfolio – Drawing & Digital Art)
Jack McGrath (Drawing) – 3 Gold Keys
Jack McGrath (Digital Art)
Mantas Naris (Digital Art)
Amanda Papp (Ceramics & Glass)
Rebecca Ridderhoff (Digital Art)
Gina Rismondo (Photography)
Alexandria Robinson (Photography)
Margaret Schaub (Photography)

Silver Key Awards
Barbara Armstrong (Drawing) – 2 Silver Keys
Ericka Bergquist (Digital Art)
Kevin Brinkman (Digital Art) – 2 Silver Keys
Kevin Brinkman (Drawing)
Marisa Brooks (Photography)
Ethan Chapin (Comic Art)
Julianna Davis (Ceramics & Glass)
Kelly Eagan (Film & Animation)
Kelly Egan (Photography)
Heather Goldie-Morrison (Photography)
Nesma Hamouda (Ceramics & Glass)
Alysha Hudson (Photography)
Katie Kucko (Ceramics & Glass)
Julija Lukosevicius (Photography)
Jack McGrath (Digital Art)
Jack McGrath (Drawing)
Michaela Nicholson (Photography)
Nicholas Prepejchal (Digital Art)
Brooke Pryor (Drawing)
Rebecca Ridderhoff (Drawing)
Rebecca Ridderhoff (Digital Art)
Jourdan Wikowsky (Drawing)

Honorable Mention Awards
Katie Berendt (Photography)
Katie Berendt (Digital Art) – 2 Honorable Mentions
Stephanie Biesboer (Ceramics & Glass)
Kevin Brinkman (Digital Art) – 2 Honorable Mentions
Marissa Buonamici (Digital Art)
Erinn Casey (Ceramics & Glass)
Ethan Chapin (Drawing)
Jess Chika (Jewelry)
Lauren Dawson (Jewelry)
Nathan Eisenhut (Drawing)
Sam Fiala (Ceramics & Glass)
Isabelle Ghanayem (Painting)
Daneca Gray (Drawing)
Ashley Johnson (Ceramics & Glass)
Lexi Johnson (Photography)
David Leitner (Photography)
Maddie Mason (Photography)
Riley McDaniel (Mixed Media)
Jack McGrath (Drawing)
Morgan Mensavage (Jewelry)
Mantas Naris (Digital Art) – 2 Honorable Mentions
Michaela Nicholson (Photography)
Maddisen Nona (Ceramics & Glass)
Sarah Paradise (Photography)
Nicholas Prepejchal (Digital Art)
Livija Rainyte (Drawing)
Rebecca Ridderhoff (Painting)
Rebecca Ridderhoff (Drawing)
Mark Salik (Ceramics & Glass)
Sydney Schoolcraft (Ceramics & Glass)
Andie Sherman (Photography)
Monica Wiegard (Photography)
Jourdan Wikowsky (Digital Art)
Jene Witherspoon-Thicklin (Jewelry)