Friday, November 23, 2012

Reasons I’m Thankful to work with the DGN Band

Having the opportunity to be a part of the DGN Band’s performance yesterday, on Thanksgiving, caused me to take stock in a number of things I’m particularly ‘thankful’ for.  They include …

The opportunity to work with an amazing group of young adults who pour their hearts and souls into their music.

The opportunity to lead students who care about their school, and perpetuating the school’s reputation for excellence.

The opportunity to teach in a community that is filled with incredibly supportive parents and guardians, many of who dedicate countless volunteer hours to assist our Fine Arts programs at North High.

A Board of Education (District 99) and Administration (D99 and DGN) that value the importance of expanding the boundaries of a traditional classroom, and support Educational Travel for our student musicians.

The opportunity to collaborate with a tremendously dedicated chaperone team, all who were willing to give up time with their families on an important holiday – in order to support the students of the DGN Band.  And a special shout-out to Mr. Miller, who served as the lead-planner for this particular tour.

The spouses, children, parents and other family members of our chaperones, who supported this tour and the invitation for our Band to perform in the 2012 Walt Disney World Thanksgiving Parade of Bands, even though it meant time away from home and family. 

Parents, you should be incredibly proud of your children.  Not only have they been tremendous music ambassadors for our community, they have been polite, considerate, and well-mannered throughout the course of our tour thus far.  Even when through the most exhausting phase of the performance tour, it has been amazing to see the work ethic, responsibility and spirit that are synonymous with ‘DGN Bands.’   

- Brayer Teague