Thursday, October 06, 2011


Performing before a capacity crowd in the Clarence Johnson Auditorium at North High School in Downers Grove, the District 99 Orchestra played Chopsticken with the internationally acclaimed ensemble Barrage. Members of Barrage commented multiple times during the course of the evening about the high caliber of the string program in District 99 and about how well the student musicians were prepared for the performance. The student musicians not only played their instruments at a high level, they also performed the music in a professional manner. Great work tonight orchestra - we're proud of all of you for this outstanding performance!

Additional 'kudos' to the string players from District 58 who also shared the stage with Barrage this evening. Led by Ms. Rose, Ms. Eakley and Ms. Martin, these outstanding young musicians were extremely well prepared and "wowed" the crowd with their performance tonight. The string program's sonic future is exceedingly brightly in District 99. A huge "shout-out" to every District 58 string musician that participated in the performance this evening.

A special thank you to District 99 Orchestra Director, Ms. Jennifer Mullen, for her tireless work in putting tonight's concert together for our community.